HTOO Foundation sponsors Construction of a New Building for Thu Sidda Rama Monastery

by HGC Admin

Under the guidance and instructions of U Tay Za, Patron of HTOO Foundation, the responsible persons have visited the site of the above mentioned monastery, which is located in East Dagon Township on 27th April 2017.

The monastery is located among the paddy fields and meanwhile the construction work has just begun with some public donations and is still without electricity power supply. To be exact, the monastery is located at No.117/B, Kyun Chaung Village of Kyar-ni-gun in Dagon Township.

From the news source on line, U Tay Za came to know about this monastery, which is really in need of donations for the completion of the building. As per motivation of HTOO Foundation, Patron U Tay za has given instructions to proceed with the needy amount of forty five lakhs for construction.

HTOO Foundation sponsors Construction of a New Building for Thu Sidda Rama Monastery
HTOO Foundation sponsors Construction of a New Building for Thu Sidda Rama Monastery

Generally, for most Buddhist people, the sound of the wooden drum from the monastery at dawn is considered auspicious for the whole day. And most Buddhist people do not wish to stay away from the pagodas and monasteries as much as possible.